New Leadership

Expectations are changing. We are part of a changing world and leadership principles and competencies are clearly part of that.

In fact, leaders are shaping the new world of work. So their impact is big.

Digital – Virtual – Hybrid Leadership

Your organisation wants to broaden your outlook on changes in leadership style to brace the future? You facing the New Normal and are wondering what it will be like?

During the Covid-19 pandemic many companies startet to review their policies. Leaders were challenged and common beliefs tested. 

Other megatrends are also impacting the way people want to work and be effective in future. In our experience, leaders and managers benefit from learning more about how they can shape the future way of leading. And young aspiring leaders are often times lacking role models for a new leadership style.

Hybrid Leadership

Leading dispersed teams has become a lot more common. We had applied virtual leadership principles in global teams for years. How, even when people are based in the same city, they tend to work from home or third locations for at least part of their working week. Typically referred to as “hybrid”, some special benefits and challenges apply to this way of working.

Sustainable Leadership

Climate change is becoming increasingly obvious. Leaders want and need to become involved in changing the way manufacturing, their supply chain, their office, their sales channel and much more works. Many beginn to consider the most efficient use of resources. Circular economy 

Sustainable Leadership goes far beyond the environmental dimension though. It prioritises long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability. It is a holistic leadership philosophy that takes into consideration not only the immediate business outcomes but also the broader impact of those outcomes on the environment, society, and future generations.

Leadership Responsibility is not just for Top Managers

In a world of work that requires constant collaboration and teamwork, where people want to have a meaningful contribution, everyone is becoming a leader, in a way. People need to be much more self-driven. At the same time, with fewer hierarchies, the responsibility is distributed in self-organised teams, to project managers etc. More employees need to take on parts of this responsibility, often on a temporary and rotational basis.

You therefore need to plan for training and helping all of those individuals, rather than just think about the traditional concept of an incumbent with disciplinary people management scope.

Katrin Neuendorf (4 New Work) joined our Corporate Leadership Meeting. She found the right balance between reminding these leaders of the background and importance of remote engagement and some very practical and hands-on advices and tips how to be more successful. In a very engaging and short whiled way. I look forward to keep working with her.

Christin Schack, Regional Business Director, Safety & Industrial | Industriemärkte, 3M Central Europe Region

Vielen Dank für den inspirierenden Impuls Vortrag zum Thema „Engagement for Growth“

Britta Renno, Direktorin Personalmanagement & Unternehmenskommunikation, 
Prokuristin, Canada Life Assurance Europe plc
Die Herausforderung an Führungskräfte, für die man digitale Kompetenzen benötigt sind vielfältig. Da es kein Patentrezept gibt, ist es wichtig über Erfahrung zu lernen und Dinge auch auszuprobieren. Hierzu liefert das Seminar viele Ideen und ermöglicht einen gleichzeitig die Standortbestimmung, wo man mit der eigenen digitalen Kompetenz steht.
Ester Fernández-Pola, Leiterin Expert Projects für Marketing & Sales Excellence, Evonik Industries AG