We have numerous reasons why we want to meet other people in the business context. Deliver information Meet people you know Meet new people Learn Collaborate Establish trust Resolve a problem Build a community Take decisions Get inspiration Provide training Have some fun Network Brainstorm Get ideas Our first […]
… and how to do it really well. I am hearing the occasional comment from people that managers and leaders in their organisation are not supportive of team members working remotely. Or that there are a lot of rules and restrictions that make the practical implementation rather difficult. Having consulted […]
There are those that are concerned and those that don’t know what to expect. Well, that is a bit black and white… of course there are all sorts of attitudes towards the changes in leadership competencies. However a few patters emerge in our work with managers and leaders of all […]
Bunte Zettel, SCRUM, agiles Arbeiten… in immer mehr Bereichen trifft man auf diese Begriffe. Die Grundideen sind hilfreich, werden allerdings in Unternehmen oft nur als Begriff oder als kleines Element verwendet. Der Bedarf ist da, dass Unternehmen flexibler und schneller werden. Da entsteht natürlich eine ordentliche Portion Druck. Kunden, Partner […]